Few things in the world can excite petrol heads as much as car racing. Maybe watching it on the television can get boring, but there is nothing like being at a track. All the noise, the smell, the excitement and the beautiful machines is a great experience. Unfortunately, the winter months up north mean that most car racing is on stand by. For those seeking a thrill indoors though, there is always the indoor carting experience which holds us over till the brisk spring days. But there is nothing like being outside in real cars. Not only are people up north affected by the winter, these months also mean breaks for various race series. I've made a habit this year of waking up at ridiculous hours to watch Sebastian Vettel claim his second Formula One title. I miss Formula One and the American Le Mans Series. Winter needs to be over quick, or at least have some snow so we can all go to empty parking lots and make ourselves either look like heros or the exact opposite of that...
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